Monday, January 6, 2014

Your Diet is Boring

When you Google the definition of diet, two completely different definitions come up.  
I. the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats. 
II. a special course of food to which one restricts oneself, either to lose weight or for medical reasons.
I believe that the only definition for the word diet should be the first one. In nature humans are the only species to count & restrict calories. Isn't there something wrong with that? When restricting calories, you're body is deprived of nutrients & minerals resulting in physical & mental issues. Our bodies are designed to tell us when it needs fuel, therefore we should not distract or suppress our hunger we should address our hunger with organic fruits & vegetables. When your body is starving everything tastes amazing at first because your body is in panic mode. When we are hungry & eat a meal of organic fruit it tastes so good in the beginning & it slowly is less appetizing because our body is telling us it is no longer hungry & it's time to stop eating. Unlike junk food covered in addictive stimulants to make you want/buy more. With the junk food you eat & eat & eat until all of a sudden you're so full you can barely walk.
You'll loose weight restricting calories because your body is eating itself. But once you eat the normal amount of calories your body is asking for, you will gain weight because your body was deprived all that time & needs to make up & heal for the deficiencies. By restricting calories you're teaching your body to become a fat storer not a fat burner. Read The Great Starvation Experiment: Ancel Keys and the Men Who Starved for Science if you truly believe that starvation & restricting your calories is the key.
Most all people are eating the wrong foods; foods that the human body wasn't designed for which results in weight gain, poor digestion, congested skin, disease, illness, depression, body odor, low energy, ext. The human body was designed to consume organic fruits, vegetables, nuts, & seeds (aka a plant-based vegan diet). The human body was NOT designed to consume meat, dairy, eggs, & whatever else the USDA tries to shove down our throats. Every animal living in the wild is lean because they are eating the diet that their body is designed for. I've never seen an obese shark, polar bear, or ape. So when humans eat the diet they are not designed for which are chips, steak, boiled eggs, soda, fried chicken, animal milk, ext. they gain weight & cause problems to their body. You'll see a chipmunk in the city that is fat & sick munching on a cheeto that they found on the sidewalk. But then you'll see a lean & healthy chipmunk resigning no where near civilization eating seeds, nuts, & fruits (which is the diet that they are designed to eat). So if humans eat the diet they are meant to eat (plant-based vegan diet) they will be lean, have lots of energy, free of illness, free of disease, smell good, have clear skin, ext. But why aren't people eating their natural human diet? Because they are brainwashed into thinking that meat gives us protein(but no one's ever died from a 'protein deficiency' & the medical industry doesn't even have a proper medical term for protein deficiency!), milk gives us calcium which we need for strong & healthy bones(milk actually causes osteoporosis aka weak bones), only 100 calories(but full of junk!), ext. What is this teaching us? It's teaching us that by consuming these things we will be healthy & by only eating 100 calories for a meal we will be slim. A calorie is not just a calorie. They aren't equal at all, they digest differently & are utilized differently in the body. For example, 2,000 calories worth of big macs vs 2,000 calories worth of organic oranges. What would be better, healthier, & won't cause weight gain? The organic oranges. 
Therefore a calorie is not just a calories, it is much more than that.
Don't let your diet be boring & sad(standard American diet),
have a happy diet full of organic fruits & vegetables!

Yours truly,

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