Are you speciest? I found this on Tumblr & I thought it was so spot on that I had to share.
Things I’m pretty sure we can all agree on:
It’s not okay to kill disabled people just because they can’t fight back.
It’s not okay to kill babies just because they aren’t smart.
It’s not okay to kill ugly people just because they’re not as cute as other people.
It’s not okay to kill cute dogs just because they might taste good.
It’s not okay to kill little people just because other people are stronger than them.
It’s not okay to kill mentally challenged just people because they don’t have as advanced mental processes as other people.
It’s not okay to kill black people just because they look different than white people.
It’s not okay to kill Jewish people just because they were killed in the past.
It’s not okay to kill kittens just because we’re higher than them on the food chain.
It’s not okay to kill women just because men have higher positions than them in society.
So why is it okay to torture and kill cows, chickens, turkeys, fish, and pigs?
Every justification used to support the use of animal products completely fails when you apply it to another category. Going vegan means you realize that since it’s not okay to rape, torture, or slaughter other oppressed beings, it’s not okay to do it to non-human animals. It means you’d rather think for yourself than buy into the deficient explanations the meat and dairy industries have shoved down your throat so that they can continue to make money at the expense of non-human animals. It means you’d rather follow basic logic than continue to believe contradictory propaganda.
Stop oppressing non-human animals for phony reasons and go vegan.
Yours truly,
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