Monday, March 31, 2014

Accidental Vegan

  I was a normal kid, basically. I was a little odd, but who isn’t? Anyway my mom always had organic foods in the house. She raised me on what is considered healthier foods in America such as whole grain cereals, whole milk with omega-3’s, fruit smoothies, multigrain bread, homemade foods, fast food as a treat, etc. Even as a kid I appreciated what my mom was doing, but I still wanted what my friends had in their house such as pop tarts, fruit rollups, beef jerky, soda, Oreos, fun cereals, etc. Even though I enjoyed the “healthier” foods that my mom always bought I still liked what my friends had in their house, which were the exciting foods that you’d see on Nickelodeon's commercials. Like most kids & most people in general, I was always so excited to see what my friends had in their fridge. So whenever I was at friend's houses I got to eat those fun foods. I think that if my mom taught me about health, nutrition, food, & how certain types of foods can affect my body physically/mentally in a positive or a negative way I would have had a better understanding as to why she buys those foods & why I shouldn't eat those bad foods that looked fun. Little did I know that she herself knew little to nothing about health & just listened to what marketing is telling her as to what are the healthy things to be consuming.  I always tried to choose the “healthier” options during public school lunch or at least the options that looked healthier than others. I, myself always had a little part of me that was interested in health. Whole Foods was & still is my Disneyworld, it has always been a magical place for me. That being said at a young age I had a tiny health seed inside my brain slowly growing.
 I was about 13/14 years old when I discovered a blogger by the name of Audrey Kitching. I kind of feel in love with her style, I read her blog religiously. I either may have just been lost in her dreamy pink hair or her genius mind but nonetheless I was fascinated by her. As I got more obsessed with Audrey I started to follow her in Twitter, Instagram,, etc. I found her insanely intriguing. The more I knew about her the more I wanted to incorporate her style of life into mine. Audrey would retweet tweets about health facts & post on her blog insightful information on health healing. It made me more & more interested in what this whole health thing was about. Audrey is the one who woke me up to all the magical health truths I've come to know. She helped enlighten me on my journey to knowledge. I am forever grateful for that.
 One day I found out she was vegan, whenever she posted a picture of her food hauls or recipes I would buy/make whatever was in her photos. I was beyond inspired; it was so fun for me to buy/create new foods. At the time I was vegetarian, but before I knew it I basically became a vegan. I had the almond milk, the Daiya cheese, refined sugar/gluten free vegan waffles every weekend, Follow Your Heart sour cream, strawberries on gluten free rice toast, & all the yummy things Audrey had shared on her social media sites. It became this hobby of mine. Whenever I went to a new place I would always look for a nearby health foods store of some sort. It was always thrilling to discover new vegan brands or products. 
 It wasn't a huge shock because I slowly became a vegan. Before I was even a vegetarian I was a pollotarian, which meant I ate everything but red meat. I became a pollotarian because I wanted something interesting about me so that whenever I went to an acting class of some sort I'd have something interesting about myself that I could say of the top of my head when we'd sit in a circle say our name & share something interesting about ourselves. Then I became a vegetarian which didn't last long because I unawaringly became vegan. But in a way it was a shock because every time I went out to eat I'd always order a steak. I also loved orange chicken, Hawaiian pizza, & beef jerky. I never thought I could give up those things because at the time I thought that they were so good. But once I cut off all meat products I soon found things exactly like steak, orange chicken, & beef jerky that took place of the dead, cooked, flavored flesh. As a bonus those things that tasted like orange chicken & such, were much healthier for my body because they were plant-based.
 As a result of my discovery of a plant-based lifestyle I am a better version of myself. Whenever I eat something I think about what the benefits are & if there aren't benefits I simply don't consume it. Therefore I am aware of the things that I eat & how they are affecting my body either positively or negatively. I am my own science experiment. I like to see how my body reacts to certain foods. I like to see improvements, so if something helped someone else on their plant-based health journey it may help me. I'll never know unless I try it for myself. From this health journey I discovered something that is now a major passion of mine, it takes up most all of my days. I am writing, experimenting, reading, watching, & researching health at all hours of the day. I have learned so much from this lifestyle & I look forward to so much more that there is to learn. I care about more about health than I did before discovering the joys of a plant-based lifestyle. I can now say I love animals truthfully without hypocritically saying I love animals then go eat some eggs & bacon. I understand the effects of what people choose to eat. As well as I understand how a small choice of food can effect the earth. I learned more about the human body way more than I knew before. I know how the body can function properly with the proper human species specific diet. I have also learned that illness of any kind & disease is not supposed to be "normal" or usually  caused genetics, it is most likely linked to something the person has done to their body overtime. I also enjoy sharing my love for fruits, vegetables, & health on my Instagram, YouTube videos, Twitter, Blog(s), & any other social media sites I happen to use. It's made me want to share with everyone the joys of fruits & vegetables. Overall I found this craving for health & knowledge which has benefited me in even more ways than I can think of.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Swans in Raspberry Fields

Starting my day off with a happy & pink smoothie consisting of organic everything like raspberries, bananas, & peaches. It was cold(finally), so I got the chance to layer! First layer, Forever 21 grey hooded pullover. Second layer, Wildfox strawberry pink swan fleece, which I got at the Wildfox digging fest sample sale 2013. Third layer, new with tags vintage before Dillard's was Dillard's pink rose knit, I found it last weekend at Buffalo Exchange in Santa Monica for only $8! Vintage kitty collared silver necklace topped with chunky gold chain from Buffalo Exchange in Denver.


Friday, January 10, 2014

What School Has Taught Me

 I'm so grateful that I was given the opportunity to have a homeschool education. It was more than half way through 6th grade that I decided that I couldn't go on with public school anymore. Oh how dramatic of me, no, public school was not cute. School always made me feel nauseous. I don't know if it was the school lunch(which is probably stuck somewhere in my body & it's going to take years to detox that stuff out) or just the whole atmosphere of the school environment. But I haven't felt that feeling since. 
Anyway I wasn't learning, I was more focused on the social part of school. Which wasn't even fun, kids were rude to one another which made the school experience as a whole worse. Plus, school isn't about socialization, it's about learning. Yet you are relentlessly seeking to please & get approval from others who couldn't care less about you. One thing you do learn is that people judge & spread gossip which causes you to be self conscious of everything about yourself. From what you say, do, wear, look like, everything that doesn't really matter, you worry about.
 If anything you should be putting that energy into being kind to others rather than making yourself pleasing to others. 
At school I was part me as much as I felt like I could be. But when I was put in a situation were I felt uncomfortable to be myself, I made myself disappear & I turned into basically everyone else. It's scary being yourself at school. I think that if I proceeded with public school I would be a completely different person. I probably wouldn't be a vegan, I wouldn't have as much focus on my acting career as I do now, I most likely wouldn't be conscious of the health of our planet, I probably would still be wearing Abercrombie, Victoria's Secret Pink, & Uggs(I always hated the look of them but I kind of forced myself to like them because they were what everyone else was wearing).
I learned to think for myself. Rather than going along with what everyone else thought so I could play it safe & not feel uncomfortable.
Constantly worrying about your grades because it was hard to keep up with strict deadlines & teachers that seemed to like everyone else but yourself, is not a fun experience. I understand a deadline, but if you give a child 5 pages of homework on top of a unit exam the next day along with whatever else their other classes have assigned them most children aren't going to do well. They're not going to have enough time to even learn & grasp on to the subject. They have to shove whatever they can into their brain to get a grade that doesn't even reflect any of their abilities except how fast they can learn something & keep it in their brain for the next 24 hours before it disappears. I know when I learn something fast I usually forget it the next day.
All good things, such as education, take time. The public schooling system is far too esoteric for most children. But for some students it works great for them & they love it which is wonderful, but from most people I know they either hate it or hated it. 
This whole post has been inspired by this video a saw of 13 year-old Logan LaPlante who went from a traditional education to a homeschooled education. He couldn't have explained being a kid going through school any better.

Yours truly,
Laplante is a 13 year-old boy who was taken out of the education system to be home schooled instead. - See more at:
Laplante is a 13 year-old boy who was taken out of the education system to be home schooled instead. - See more at:
Laplante is a 13 year-old boy who was taken out of the education system to be home schooled instead. - See more at:
Laplante is a 13 year-old boy who was taken out of the education system to be home schooled instead. - See more at:
Laplante is a 13 year-old boy who was taken out of the education system to be home schooled instead. - See more at:

Natalie Portman Plays in The Hamptons with Teen Vogue

I'm a big fan of Teen Vogue & I have been for years. But it was my first time seeing Natalie Portman looking gorgeous on the 2008 Dec/Jan cover. I adore Natalie Portman's grace & poise more than anything! I love the whole vibe of the shoot. It makes me feel like I'm stuck in The Hamptons over the fall with nothing to do but hang out in The Hamptons(oh darn!). Along with that I have this great wardrobe & playful dog! 

Yours truly,

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Are you speciest? I found this on Tumblr & I thought it was so spot on that I had to share.
Things I’m pretty sure we can all agree on:
It’s not okay to kill disabled people just because they can’t fight back.
It’s not okay to kill babies just because they aren’t smart.
It’s not okay to kill ugly people just because they’re not as cute as other people.
It’s not okay to kill cute dogs just because they might taste good.
It’s not okay to kill little people just because other people are stronger than them.
It’s not okay to kill mentally challenged just people because they don’t have as advanced mental processes as other people.
It’s not okay to kill black people just because they look different than white people.
It’s not okay to kill Jewish people just because they were killed in the past.
It’s not okay to kill kittens just because we’re higher than them on the food chain.
It’s not okay to kill women just because men have higher positions than them in society.
So why is it okay to torture and kill cows, chickens, turkeys, fish, and pigs?
Every justification used to support the use of animal products completely fails when you apply it to another category. Going vegan means you realize that since it’s not okay to rape, torture, or slaughter other oppressed beings, it’s not okay to do it to non-human animals. It means you’d rather think for yourself than buy into the deficient explanations the meat and dairy industries have shoved down your throat so that they can continue to make money at the expense of non-human animals. It means you’d rather follow basic logic than continue to believe contradictory propaganda.
Stop oppressing non-human animals for phony reasons and go vegan.

Yours truly,

Monday, January 6, 2014

Your Diet is Boring

When you Google the definition of diet, two completely different definitions come up.  
I. the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats. 
II. a special course of food to which one restricts oneself, either to lose weight or for medical reasons.
I believe that the only definition for the word diet should be the first one. In nature humans are the only species to count & restrict calories. Isn't there something wrong with that? When restricting calories, you're body is deprived of nutrients & minerals resulting in physical & mental issues. Our bodies are designed to tell us when it needs fuel, therefore we should not distract or suppress our hunger we should address our hunger with organic fruits & vegetables. When your body is starving everything tastes amazing at first because your body is in panic mode. When we are hungry & eat a meal of organic fruit it tastes so good in the beginning & it slowly is less appetizing because our body is telling us it is no longer hungry & it's time to stop eating. Unlike junk food covered in addictive stimulants to make you want/buy more. With the junk food you eat & eat & eat until all of a sudden you're so full you can barely walk.
You'll loose weight restricting calories because your body is eating itself. But once you eat the normal amount of calories your body is asking for, you will gain weight because your body was deprived all that time & needs to make up & heal for the deficiencies. By restricting calories you're teaching your body to become a fat storer not a fat burner. Read The Great Starvation Experiment: Ancel Keys and the Men Who Starved for Science if you truly believe that starvation & restricting your calories is the key.
Most all people are eating the wrong foods; foods that the human body wasn't designed for which results in weight gain, poor digestion, congested skin, disease, illness, depression, body odor, low energy, ext. The human body was designed to consume organic fruits, vegetables, nuts, & seeds (aka a plant-based vegan diet). The human body was NOT designed to consume meat, dairy, eggs, & whatever else the USDA tries to shove down our throats. Every animal living in the wild is lean because they are eating the diet that their body is designed for. I've never seen an obese shark, polar bear, or ape. So when humans eat the diet they are not designed for which are chips, steak, boiled eggs, soda, fried chicken, animal milk, ext. they gain weight & cause problems to their body. You'll see a chipmunk in the city that is fat & sick munching on a cheeto that they found on the sidewalk. But then you'll see a lean & healthy chipmunk resigning no where near civilization eating seeds, nuts, & fruits (which is the diet that they are designed to eat). So if humans eat the diet they are meant to eat (plant-based vegan diet) they will be lean, have lots of energy, free of illness, free of disease, smell good, have clear skin, ext. But why aren't people eating their natural human diet? Because they are brainwashed into thinking that meat gives us protein(but no one's ever died from a 'protein deficiency' & the medical industry doesn't even have a proper medical term for protein deficiency!), milk gives us calcium which we need for strong & healthy bones(milk actually causes osteoporosis aka weak bones), only 100 calories(but full of junk!), ext. What is this teaching us? It's teaching us that by consuming these things we will be healthy & by only eating 100 calories for a meal we will be slim. A calorie is not just a calorie. They aren't equal at all, they digest differently & are utilized differently in the body. For example, 2,000 calories worth of big macs vs 2,000 calories worth of organic oranges. What would be better, healthier, & won't cause weight gain? The organic oranges. 
Therefore a calorie is not just a calories, it is much more than that.
Don't let your diet be boring & sad(standard American diet),
have a happy diet full of organic fruits & vegetables!

Yours truly,