I'm so grateful that I was given the opportunity to have a homeschool education. It was more than half way through 6th grade that I decided that I couldn't go on with public school anymore. Oh how dramatic of me, no, public school was not cute. School always made me feel nauseous. I don't know if it was the school lunch(which is probably stuck somewhere in my body & it's going to take years to detox that stuff out) or just the whole atmosphere of the school environment. But I haven't felt that feeling since.
Anyway I wasn't learning, I was more focused on the social part of school. Which wasn't even fun, kids were rude to one another which made the school experience as a whole worse. Plus, school isn't about socialization, it's about learning. Yet you are relentlessly seeking to please & get approval from others who couldn't care less about you. One thing you do learn is that people judge & spread gossip which causes you to be self conscious of everything about yourself. From what you say, do, wear, look like, everything that doesn't really matter, you worry about.
If anything you should be putting that energy into being kind to others rather than making yourself pleasing to others.
At school I was part me as much as I felt like I could be. But when I
was put in a situation were I felt uncomfortable to be myself, I made
myself disappear & I turned into basically everyone else. It's
scary being yourself at school. I think that if I proceeded with public
school I would be a completely different person. I probably wouldn't be a
vegan, I wouldn't have as much focus on my acting career as I do now, I most likely wouldn't be conscious of the health of our planet, I probably would still be wearing Abercrombie, Victoria's Secret
Pink, & Uggs(I always hated the look of them but I kind of forced
myself to like them because they were what everyone else was wearing).
I learned to think for myself. Rather than going along with what everyone else thought so I could play it safe & not feel uncomfortable.
I learned to think for myself. Rather than going along with what everyone else thought so I could play it safe & not feel uncomfortable.
Constantly worrying about your grades because it was hard to keep up with strict deadlines & teachers that seemed to like everyone else but yourself, is not a fun experience. I understand a deadline, but if you give a child 5 pages of homework on top of a unit exam the next day along with whatever else their other classes have assigned them most children aren't going to do well. They're not going to have enough time to even learn & grasp on to the subject. They have to shove whatever they can into their brain to get a grade that doesn't even reflect any of their abilities except how fast they can learn something & keep it in their brain for the next 24 hours before it disappears. I know when I learn something fast I usually forget it the next day.
All good things, such as education, take time. The public schooling system is far too esoteric for most children. But for some students it works great for them & they love it which is wonderful, but from most people I know they either hate it or hated it.
All good things, such as education, take time. The public schooling system is far too esoteric for most children. But for some students it works great for them & they love it which is wonderful, but from most people I know they either hate it or hated it.
This whole post has been inspired by this video a saw of 13 year-old Logan LaPlante who went from a traditional education to a homeschooled education. He couldn't have explained being a kid going through school any better.
Yours truly,
is a 13 year-old boy who was taken out of the education system to be
home schooled instead. - See more at:
is a 13 year-old boy who was taken out of the education system to be
home schooled instead. - See more at:
is a 13 year-old boy who was taken out of the education system to be
home schooled instead. - See more at:
is a 13 year-old boy who was taken out of the education system to be
home schooled instead. - See more at:
is a 13 year-old boy who was taken out of the education system to be
home schooled instead. - See more at: